Category Archives: Foldables


This is currently what my folder of foldables looks like…

IMG_0537Seriously, how do you organize your foldables? I can’t tell you how many times I teach a topic and find that I have a foldable for that….two weeks later!

Signature Kate


Relative Age of Rocks Flip Book

I’m going to cut right to it. It is no secret that I’m obsessed with foldables. I love little flap books and so do my students. I spent a good hour yesterday figuring out how to make, print and cut this beauty out:

My students LOVE these little flip books and actually STUDY from them! I put them all together this morning and we filled them out as a class. If you happen to be teaching about the relative ages of rocks (haha…just me?!) click on the picture below to download. I am working on a blank template post soon!


P.S. I am finally making my transformations foldable with my kids tomorrow!! YAY!!

I can’t stop

Seriously. I am slightly obsessed with this tri-fold foldable.  I can’t help it! I have big plans for school tomorrow– we have been off for an entire week and I NEED to review the concepts that we learned the week before break. My Algebra and Math 8 students will be completing this super cute Systems of Linear Equations foldable.

Similar to the States of Matter foldable I made for my 6th graders, students will cut and paste the components of this foldable. I wish I had more time (don’t we all!), but I can’t justify an entire period reviewing this concept. Cut and paste helps the students make sure that they have a study guide that is accurate!

Click on the picture below to download the 4 page PDF file.

Enjoy your Sunday!

States of Matter Tri-Foldable

Thanks for the wonderful feedback on my Transformations Foldable! I am so glad that everyone loved it as much as I do. I seriously look at it everyday. I swear I have a life.

So I have been lucky enough to have this ENTIRE week off. I can’t complain 🙂 But when everyone is out of school in May and we’re still stuck in the sweltering building at the end of June, we’ll be even.

A few weeks ago, I introduced states of matter to my 6th graders, but between the science fair and health unit I had to teach, it has been a month since we first started it. When we get back on Monday, we are going to resume the chapter. To review what we had previously learned, the students will be making this foldable:

On the front I used glitter glue to show the how the atoms and molecules align in solids, liquids and gases. I think I am going to have the students use paint and Q-Tips instead.

On the inside, students will cut apart descriptions of each state and glue them under the corresponding flap.

In 6th grade, students clearly know the difference between the three states, but these are the characteristics that they really need to know.

Ooo new manicure!

Teaching states of matter? This can be adapted up or down depending on the grade level you are teaching. Click on the picture below to download the PDF. Just want the blank tri-fold pdf? Head over to this post here!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I have big plans using this same template for a systems of equations foldable. Be on the lookout for it 🙂

Transformations Foldable

It all started with this pin:

I have been obsessively thinking about this foldable for 2 full weeks. I need to make this with my class. I usually hate teaching transformations, but now I am looking forward to it? Weird

Anyway, I needed to make a printable version of this. Why? Because foldables still take my 8th graders at least 30 minutes to complete. No one has scissors. No one knows how to use scissors. No one knows how to fold. Sweet Justin Beiber, bless those teachers that have their kids trained to make foldables using nothing but a blank sheet of notebook paper. I dream of being you in another life. I searched and searched for the original source of this pin, but I couldn’t find it. PLEASE let me know if you have the original link. The last thing I would want to do is take credit for something I didn’t create.

Okay…so I am terrible at taking pictures. I promise I used my favorite Astrobrights paper! Yes I did make this myself. I created the file last night and I cannot wait until next week when school resumes, so I made my own example for the old blog. I mean to show my class when we do it. Yea. Either one.

Anyone else hoard color paper? Hopefully not just me, because I squeezed as many shapes as possible on each sheet.Okay, I totally just realized that I wrote “rotates” instead of “rotation”. Oops.

Okay, I totally just realized that I wrote "rotates" instead of "rotation". Oops.

Attach the pentagon with a paperclip. Slide the pentagon to show a translation.

Attach the right triangle with a piece of tape to show a reflection.

Attach the hexagon with a brad to show rotations.

Attach both squares with tape to show dilations (enlargement and reduction)

Do you love it?! Can you pretend you love it, because I LOVE it so much! Click on the image below to download the 7 page PDF.


Pinterest Favorites

I can’t help it. I’m 100% obsessed with Pinterest. Here are some of my favorites from the past few weeks. Click on each picture for the original pin!

Punnett Squares and FOIL?! The perfect combination!

Seriously, HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THIS?! I will be working on a printable version of this this week!

I love this idea so much! I will be using it next year for sure!

Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls?! I just found another reason for my boyfriend to love me!!

Adorable! I need to figure out a way to make these so they are 100% food allergy free for my class!

Always looking for new vocabulary strategies!

I always want everything Kate Spade makes. These earrings are no exception.

This. THIS.

Never ever gets old!

What have you been pinning lately?! Follow me and I will check out your boards! I am so obsessed with Pinterest! My poor non-teacher friends probably get sicks of my pins haha

Oh hey there, blog!

2 days of not blog posting feels like an eternity. Maybe we’re just in the honeymoon phase, but I love posting everyday! It’s been super busy around here though. On Sunday, I went with my bff Em and my mom to The Wedding Party Bridal Show in New York city courtesy of 100 Layer Cake. One of my spiritual gifts is being a bridesmaid so it was super fun. I ate about 80 different mini cupcake samples. I’m not even mad about it.

This week is Catholic Schools week and we have different, fun events planned for the kids each day. Yesterday was Sports Night! They played lots of different games and I totally killed it in the alumni/teacher/student volleyball competition!

Anyway, I wanted to share another foldable that I did with my 6th and 7th graders to review operations with decimals (I dream of a life where I don’t have to teach dividing decimals….) I love this fold! Students cute out the big square and fold each corner into the middle.

On the front of each flap, students labeled the 4 basic operations. On the inside each student wrote how to complete the operation and an example.

Click on the picture to download the PDF!


LCM and GCF Foldable

With my 6th and 7th grade students, I find that when I teach Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor, the kids “get it” so quickly in isolation. When they are taking a test or quiz, undoubtably at least 1/2 the class confuses the two.

Before I gave my 7th graders a test last week, we made these 2 door foldables. Each table was given a set of numbers. They had to find the GCF and LCM of the sets. Students then shared with the other groups in the class.

Click on the picture below for the GCF and LCM foldable.

Don’t teach GCF and LCM? Click below for a blank 2-door foldable.



Venn Diagram GCF Foldable

So, I saw this pin on Pinterest. I freaked out (math nerd) and made it the next day with my students.

Why do I feel like I teach Greatest Common Factor all the time to every grade?

Each table of students was assigned a different set of numbers and completed the Venn Diagram. Students quizzed students from different groups to practice for their upcoming quizzes.

Click on the picture below for the PDF.

Don’t teach math? Need a Venn Diagram foldable? You’re welcome haha 🙂

Enjoy !


6 Door Foldable- Scientific Method/Inquiry Cycle

Apparently I have been on a real foldables kick lately! I still have a ton to share with you guys that we made this week! My students have been doing an awesome job with them and are actually using them to study– woo hoo! This is actually one  of the first foldables that I made this year with my 6th and 7th grade math classes. We attempted to fold them in 7th grade and it literally took the entire 35 minute period for everyone to fold and cut it correctly. I made the template attached to this post and used it with my 6th graders the next day. We were ready to work in approximately 5 minutes 🙂 So much better!

This foldable has 6 doors on it. On each door, the students wrote a step of the Scientific Method and on the inside wrote down what it means. On the back students labeled it “Scientific Method”. We did this the first month of school and I have a lot of students who still reference it when we are doing labs.

If you are interested in the blank foldable, click on the picture below to download the PDF.

I was also nominated for the Liebster Award by TWO awesome blogs, Ms. D at Superlative Six  and Lauren at Life in Middle School

Thanks so much! I was so surprised to be nominated by BOTH of you 🙂 The rules are you have to thank the person who nominated you, nominate 5 blogs with less than 200 followers (good thing I can’t figure out GFC or anything and I have ZERO followers hahaha) and post it on your blog.

Hmmmm I am going to nominate (I chose extras– I couldn’t choose just 5!):

  1. Loose Shoelaces
  2. The Science Penguin
  3. The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher
  4. Mathy Cathy
  5. Caught in the Middle 
  6. The Bubblegum Tree

*Edit: I am having SO much trouble with links in this post for some reason. It keeps deleting them and not showing up correctly. If your link isn’t working please let me know ASAP!*

Hope everyone has a GREAT, long weekend! Any big plans? Lots of GIANTS FOOTBALL and resume/cover letter/ job search action over here 🙂
